unexpected challenges

The Easy Life Isn’t Always The Best Life

This week, I unexpectedly found myself in the urgent care waiting room with my son who had a work related injury. Thankfully it wasn’t serious and after some glue and a few steri-strips we were on our way home.

(Read to the end to hear how much worse it could have been!)

It’s moments like these, that get me thinking of how many moments in any given day could go wrong. I have come to realize that I often don’t notice when moments are going right, it’s usually when something goes wrong that my attention is focused on the frustration or disappointment. When everything is going smoothly it’s just the way that it should go. 

Of course, there are times when things go well that I reflect on what could have been much more challenging. I’ve learned that if I haven’t faced challenging moments, I’m less likely to appreciate the moments that are easy. 

We are constantly bombarded with messages telling us how to live the easy life, most of us live life with expectations that things aren’t supposed to be difficult. We work hard and strive to make our lives as easy as possible. But having an easy life does not necessarily equal having the best life. Don’t believe the lie that things must be easy to be good. Don’t take on the belief system that if something gets in the way of an easy life it must not be worth doing.

I’m not here to discourage you, but instead, I want to encourage you with this statement. 

Anything worth having takes effort. 

Whenever you set your mind to something, to make yourself better, you will face opposition. The opposition could come from the outside, people around you or circumstances you have to overcome. The opposition can also come from within you, your own insecurities or mindsets. 

Do not be discouraged when you face difficulty in the face of change. Anything worth having takes effort. Keep moving forward. It will be worth the effort if you do not give up!

What are some challenges you have faced this week? I would love to hear your thoughts and always look forward to hearing from my fitness community.

Oh, I almost forgot!

Here is the rest of the story….

So my son was cutting a zip tie off of a pipe while at work. He was using a brand new knife and not even pulling very hard, he was still positioning his other hand and sliced his thumb pretty deep. Thankfully it was a clean cut, because the knife was so sharp. They gave him the option of glue, steri-strips and babying his thumb for a few days or 3 stitches. Of course he chose to avoid the stitches because of his dislike of needles.😉 

We were very thankful it was something that was taken care of fairly easily, even though it was inconvenient. But the real moment of gratitude came when we realized how much worse it could have been.

Having been in the waiting room for 5 minutes we overheard a middle-aged gentleman come in holding his thumb, in obvious pain and the security guard asked him if he still had the piece of his thumb he had cut off. 😬Yikes!

Yep, in that moment I was grateful my son’s injury did not involve a saw or a severed thumb! 

Thank the Lord!

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